Though voter fraud rare, US election offices feature safeguards to catch it

NEW YORK — You’ve heard the hor­ror sto­ries: Some­one cast­ing mul­ti­ple bal­lots, peo­ple vot­ing in the name of dead rel­a­tives, mail-in bal­lots being inter­cept­ed.  Vot­er fraud does hap­pen occa­sion­al­ly. When it does, we tend to hear a lot about it. It also gets caught and pros­e­cut­ed.  The nation’s mul­ti­lay­ered elec­tion process­es pro­vide many safe­guards that keep…

Key Black Muslim group backs Kamala Harris for president over Gaza stance

Black Mus­lim Lead­er­ship Coun­cil Fund says Har­ris has ‘shown more sym­pa­thy towards the peo­ple of Gaza’ than Biden or Trump Kamala Har­ris has won the back­ing for her pres­i­den­tial bid of a key US Mus­lim orga­ni­za­tion that had declined to endorse Joe Biden before he with­drew from his re-elec­­tion cam­paign. The switch to Har­ris was a…

Chuck Schumer lauds Senate’s ‘greatest achievement in years’ as foreign aid bill passes – video

The US Sen­ate has vot­ed resound­ing­ly by 79 to 18 to approve $95bn in aid for Ukraine, Israel and Tai­wan, as a bipar­ti­san super-major­i­­ty unit­ed to send the long-stalled pack­age to Joe Biden’s desk for sig­na­ture. The bill was approved after pro­ceed­ings that were hailed by the Sen­ate major­i­ty leader, Chuck Schumer, as ‘one of…

‘Building an authoritarian axis’: the Trump ‘envoy’ courting the global far right

Richard Grenell’s shad­ow for­eign pol­i­cy cam­paign is unset­tling diplo­mats and threat­ens to col­lapse US inter­ests For Don­ald Trump, he is “my envoy”, the man appar­ent­ly anoint­ed as the for­mer US president’s rov­ing ambas­sador while he plots a return to the White House. To crit­ics, he is seen as “an online pest” and “a nation­al disgrace” –…