Sierra Leone Independence Day

Coloradans Gather for Sierra Leone’s Independence Day Celebration

April 27 marked 62 years since the African nation of Sier­ra Leone attained its inde­pen­dence from Great Britain.  The local com­mu­ni­ty of Sier­ra Leoneans in Col­orado did not want this impor­tant his­tor­i­cal event to pass by silent­ly. So, they sent out invi­ta­tions, pre­pared dish­es, ordered a vari­ety of drinks, and gath­ered in the halls of…

Top Questions Remain Following VP Harris’ Africa Visit

Unit­ed States Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris com­plet­ed a three-nation African Tour, vis­it­ing Ghana, Zam­bia, and Tan­za­nia. “It was an hon­our being in Ghana, Tan­za­nia and Zam­bia – strength­en­ing the very impor­tant rela­tion­ship and friend­ship between the peo­ple of the Unit­ed States and those who live on the con­ti­nent of Africa” Tweet­ed Kamala Har­ris. What inspired…

Relations with Africa, Asia are on brink of collapse — to Russia’s benefit

Jérémy Lis­sou­ba is a mem­ber of parlia­ment for the main oppo­si­tion par­ty in the Repub­lic of Con­go. He’s also a deputy judge in the country’s High Court of Jus­tice and an alum­nus of the Oba­ma Foundation’s 2018 Africa Lead­ers Pro­gram. Over a year since the war in Ukraine began, the world remains caught in the…

Colorado Community Gathers to Support Women, Agriculture in East Africa

Thanks to Den­ver-based Africa Devel­op­ment Promise (ADP), an esti­mat­ed 150 peo­ple came out to wit­ness the work that the Amer­i­can NGO does, thou­sands of miles away from its Col­orado head­quar­ters. Billed as a Win­ter Gala, the fundrais­ing event occurred on Sat­ur­day, March 4. The loca­tion was the Arva­da Cen­ter for the Arts and Human­i­ties.  Attendees…