Six Africa Stories Making the Headlines 08/27 — 08/22/23

  DENVER, Colo., USA — (Africa News Mat­ters) This week’s most impor­tant head­lines out of and about Africa  Al Jazeeera News – 08/27/23 Indi­an PM Modi pro­pos­es full G20 mem­ber­ship for African Union   Mint – 08/27/23 India in talks for UPI expan­sion in Africa   BBC News ‑08/26/23 Wag­n­er in Africa: Precarious…

Uganda Anti-Gay Law Met with Condemnation from US, UN

On June 1, Pres­i­dent Yow­eri Musev­eni, the auto­crat­ic and long-serv­ing leader of the African nation of Ugan­da, signed what is con­sid­ered one of the harsh­est anti-LGBTQ laws glob­al­ly. Some of the pun­ish­ments in the new law for Uganda’s found break­ing the law include a 20-year sen­tence, and cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment for repeat offend­ers and oth­er individuals…

Review: Kenya Airways 787–8 Economy Class

From Nairo­bi to Johan­nes­burg, I trav­eled on Kenya Air­ways on a Boe­ing 787–8 in econ­o­my class. Ser­vice was pleas­ant onboard and the meal was accept­able, but the chron­i­­cal­­ly-delayed air­line was late again. Kenya Air­ways 787–8 Econ­o­my Class Review After fly­ing from Nairo­bi to New York in busi­ness class on Kenya Air­ways on my pri­or trip, I…