How easy is to travel to another African country? Focus On Africa Podcast

Nige­ria air strikes: Tudun­biri vil­lage con­tin­ues to mourn dozens of deaths and cope with injuries one year lat­er on We look at the impact of mer­cury poi­son­ing caused by ille­gal min­ing in south­west­ern Ghana And how easy is it for you to trav­el to anoth­er African coun­try? 00:01 Intro 00:56 The tragedy of Tudun­biri, a year on, 08:22…

Band Aid at 40: ‘It treats Africans as a charity case’ — BBC Africa

Band Aid’s sin­gle ‘Do They Know It’s Christ­mas’ is cel­e­brat­ing 40 years. The clas­sic char­i­ty song, whose funds were meant to fight famine in Africa, was per­formed by a music super­group and paved the way for a series of char­i­ty con­certs and records. But decades lat­er, some artists now believe it depicts Africa in a…

Why did Russia vote against a ceasefire in Sudan? BBC Africa

Rus­sia vetoed a draft UN Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil res­o­lu­tion which called for a cease­fire in Sudan. It was pro­posed by the UK and Sier­ra Leone, call­ing on both sides to imme­di­ate­ly halt hos­til­i­ties and start talks aimed at agree­ing a nation­al cease­fire. Why did Rus­sia veto it? Also, the online trend that has Nige­ri­ans furi­ous­ly tap­ping their…

The African activist knocking on doors for Kamala Harris — BBC Africa

Har­ri­son Poku drove to Penn­syl­va­nia in a last-minute dash to get African Amer­i­cans and African migrants who have become cit­i­zens, to vote for Kamala Har­ris in the upcom­ing US elec­tion. It’s one of the key bat­tle­ground states in the elec­toral race and a razor’s edge cur­rent­ly sep­a­rates the Demo­c­rat and Repub­li­can pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nees. BBC Africa’s…

🇫🇷 Born in France but searching for a future in Africa — #BBCAfricaEye #Shorts

Amid ris­ing nation­al­ism, police vio­lence and social ten­sions in France, some young French Africans are turn­ing to the con­ti­nent in search of, what they say, is a bet­ter life. BBC Africa Eye inves­ti­gates.  🎥 Watch the doc­u­men­tary ‘The Home­com­ing’, here: Sub­scribe: Web­site: Face­book: Twit­ter: Insta­gram: #Sene­gal #France #BBC­Doc­u­men­tary #ReverseM­i­gra­tion…

Why are young French Africans moving back to Africa? Focus On Africa Podcast

The lead­ing oppo­si­tion par­ty in Mozam­bique files a law­suit demand­ing a recount of this mon­th’s elec­tion results because of alleged irreg­u­lar­i­ties, and deposits three hun­dred kilos of doc­u­ments at the coun­try’s high­est court.  Also, the French pres­i­dent, Emmanuel Macron, vis­its Moroc­co; we take a look at rela­tions between the two coun­tries, and why young French Africans…

Why is Kenya sending an all women SWAT squad to Haiti? Focus on Africa Podcast

Rus­si­a’s embassy in Sudan has said it is inves­ti­gat­ing reports that a car­go plane with Russ­ian crew was shot down in Dar­fur, a key bat­tle ground in the civ­il war between the army and the para­mil­i­tary Rapid Sup­port Forces.  Kenya’s all women SWAT squad heads to Haiti And will the jun­ta in Gabon step aside once…

William Ruto ‘confident’ in police deploying to Haiti — BBC Africa

The Kenya gov­ern­ment will send close to 1,000 peace­keep­ing police offi­cers under a UN mis­sion to Haiti, aimed at help­ing the coun­try’s tran­si­tion­al author­i­ties restore order. For weeks, gangs in Haiti had been car­ry­ing out dead­ly co-ordi­­nat­ed attacks, demand­ing the res­ig­na­tion of the then Prime Min­is­ter Ariel Hen­ry. He agreed to step down in March.…

MAYOR ON THE FRONT LINE: Democracy in Crisis — #BBCAfricaEye #IWD2024 #Shorts

🎥 Watch the doc­u­men­tary “May­or on the Front Line: Democ­ra­cy in Cri­sis” from #BBCAfrica­Eye here: Sub­scribe: Web­site: Face­book: Twit­ter: Insta­gram: