Nigerian Agency Says Malaria Vaccine Could Protect Millions

Nige­ri­a’s Nation­al Agency for Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion and Con­trol, NAFDAC, announced a pro­vi­sion­al approval of the R21 vac­cine dur­ing a media brief­ing on Mon­day. The reg­u­la­to­ry agen­cy’s con­sent came days after Ghana approved the vac­cine. NAFDAC said the vac­cine is 70 to 80 per­cent effi­cient in pre­vent­ing the mos­qui­­to-borne dis­ease and could pro­tect millions…

Easter in Ethiopia: Hoping for peace and rebirth

Ethiopia’s small Catholic com­mu­ni­ty cel­e­brates the Res­ur­rec­tion of Christ on 16 April, in line with the cal­en­dar of the Ethiopi­an Cop­tic Ortho­dox Church. The head of the Socio-Pas­­toral Com­mis­sion of the Arch­dio­cese of Addis Aba­ba and a Sale­sian Sis­ter talk about their hopes for true peace in Tigray, and about an inter-con­­gre­­ga­­tion­al net­work project promoted…

Demonstrations in Kenya: Important Details You Need to Know

“We shall now hold protests every Mon­day and every Thurs­day begin­ning next week,” said Raila Odin­ga, oppo­si­tion par­ty leader who lost to Pres­i­dent William Ruto in Kenya’s last pres­i­den­tial elec­tions. A for­eign source cov­er­ing the recent Kenyan demon­stra­tions said Kenyans are angry Ruto lied to them. Police arrest­ed over 200 peo­ple dur­ing a March 20…