Int’l Day of the African Child: ‘The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow’

The Inter­na­tion­al Day of the African Child is cel­e­brat­ed every year on June 16 with a theme based on the views of chil­dren col­lect­ed from var­i­ous con­sul­ta­tions with chil­dren them­selves. It was insti­tut­ed in 1991 and aims to cel­e­brate chil­dren of Africa and pro­mote their rights, as well as encour­age reflec­tion and action towards addressing…

US may restrict visas for Ugandan officials in wake of anti-LGBTQ+ laws

Antony Blinken says he’s look­ing to ‘pro­mote account­abil­i­ty’ for Ugan­dan offi­cials who have vio­lat­ed rights of LGBTQ+ peo­ple The US may restrict visas issued to Ugan­dan offi­cials in its lat­est con­dem­na­tion to the African country’s enact­ment of strin­gent – and high­ly con­tro­ver­sial – anti-LGBTQ+ laws. Antony Blinken, the US sec­re­tary of state, said that Joe…