Malawi university students feel impact of US aid freeze

BLANTYRE, MALAWI — Pub­lic uni­ver­si­ties in Malawi have ordered all stu­dents spon­sored by USAID to drop out or seek oth­er sources of fund­ing if they want to remain in school. This fol­lows the 90-day freeze on U.S. for­eign assis­tance recent­ly announced by Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump. How­ev­er, Malawi’s gov­ern­ment says it is work­ing to ensure that stu­dents can…

Optimism grows as Niger holds convention on transition plans

ABUJA, NIGERIA — Niger is set to hold a nation­al con­ven­tion to map out its long-await­­ed polit­i­cal tran­si­tion fol­low­ing the July 2023 coup that deposed Pres­i­dent Mohamed Bazoum. Jun­ta leader, Gen­er­al Abdoura­hamane Tchi­ani, says the dia­logue will be inclu­sive, set gov­er­nance pri­or­i­ties and deter­mine the tran­si­tion time­line.  Niger’s mil­i­tary announced on state tele­vi­sion last Sat­ur­day that…

Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger leave Ecowas — BBC Africa

Three coun­tries under mil­i­tary rule have offi­cial­ly left West African region­al bloc Ecow­as, after more than a year of diplo­mat­ic ten­sions. The with­draw­al of Mali, Burk­i­na Faso and Niger is a huge blow to Ecow­as, which at 50 years old is con­sid­ered Africa’s most impor­tant region­al group. The split was sparked after the three depart­ing countries…