Navy Warship’s Secret Mission Off West Africa Aims to Help Punish Venezuela

Adver­tise­ment Con­tin­ue read­ing the main sto­ry Sup­port­ed by Con­tin­ue read­ing the main sto­ryNavy Warship’s Secret Mis­sion Off West Africa Aims to Help Pun­ish Venezuela The tale of the cruis­er San Jac­in­to under­scores the Trump administration’s ani­mus toward Venezuela and how the post­elec­tion purge of


African Community In Colorado Enter the Rough and Tumble of US Politics

Edi­tor’s Note: This post was pub­lished before the Novem­ber 6, 2020, U.S. midterm elec­tions. The  results show Jason Crow defeat­ing Mike Coff­man by 10 points (54.1 by 42.9)  With­out a doubt, one of the hottest races in the 2018 U.S. midterm elec­tion is being fought in Colorado’s Front Range which includes Auro­ra, Cen­ten­ni­al, Brighton, and…

US News Media

“Cov­er­age of the African con­ti­nent con­sti­tutes only 5.6 per­cent of inter­na­tion­al news pro­duced by US news media. This 5.6 per­cent offers for its intend­ed audi­ence lit­tle depth in the por­tray­al of an entire con­ti­nent. Asya A. Beso­va, and Skye Chance Coo­ley, For­eign News and Pub­lic Opin­ion, 2010”  We designed this page to give you direct access…

Bad Africa Report from NYT Concerns CU Professor

I did not know many of the reports Peter S. Good­man allud­ed to in his Jan­u­ary 27 arti­cle in The New York Times had come out until Uni­ver­si­ty of Col­orado (CU) pro­fes­sor of Anthro­pol­o­gy Lau­ra Delu­ca drew my atten­tion to them. Delu­ca spends much of her time learn­ing about the African con­ti­nent and inter­act­ing with its…

Coverage of Nigerian Elections Not Fair and Balanced

 “Nobody’s ambi­tion is worth the blood of any Niger­ian,” said out­go­ing Niger­ian Pres­i­dent Good­luck Jonathan in a state­ment con­grat­u­lat­ing his suc­ces­sor, Mohamadou Buhari on his vic­to­ry. “I promised the coun­try free and fair elec­tions. I have kept my word.” The March 28 elec­tion has become one of the most talked-about elec­tions in Africa. This elec­tion was…

The idea that Africa is booming is hot and sexy

News that Africa is boom­ing is going main­stream.  At least that is the point that is dis­cerned when major U.S. print and broad­cast­ing out­lets such as the Wash­ing­ton Post, New York Times, The Atlantic,  Chris­t­ian Sci­ence Mon­i­tor and NPR pick up on news of trans­for­ma­tion that is tak­ing place in con­ti­nen­tal Africa. These orga­ni­za­tions are devoting…