In Case You Missed It 8/11/15 — 8/16/15

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up.  The week bring news about a live-tweet that made news around the world, a trav­el web­site that is expand­ing into mar­kets in Africa, anoth­er men­ace from the Boko Haram and a crack down on slave own­ers in…

In Case You Missed It 7/29/15 — 8/3/15

  The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up.  The week brings us news about an uproar about ani­mal poach­ing in Zim­bab­we and the con­tro­ver­sy it is caus­ing, as well as news that an esti­mat­ed 178 peo­ple cap­tured by Boko Haram were freed by the…

In Case You Missed It: 6/20/15 — 6/27/15

The most impor­tant in this week’s head­lines out of and con­cern­ing Africa, for those who need help catch­ing up. This week brings con­tro­ver­sy over Pres­i­dent Oba­ma’s vis­it to Ethiopia, an elec­tion out­come in Burun­di and a U.S. vis­it by Niger­ian pres­i­dent Muham­madu Buhari.  1. Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma arrived in Ethiopia Sun­day night in the final…